The Leftover Pie Lottery!

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Our unsold pies from the weekend (still in date and kept and served to professional food hygiene standards) will be available to you from 5pm, served with chips and gravy at a bargain price of £6. It gets better. From 6pm the same dish is available for £5. From 7pm £4, 8pm £3 and from 9pm just £2 for pie, chips and gravy! “Sounds great” we hear you cry, “but why is it a lottery?” Well, to add a bit of fun into the event, we’re not going to tell you how many pies we have available at any point either before or during the night. Your gamble therefore is when to place your order. Either you can be the early bird and secure your worm (or pie in this case) or you can hold out for an absolute bargain but risk the pies selling out and not getting any worms (pies) at all!

If you have any questions about events at The Salutation Inn, please either call us on 01453 810 284 or email We hope to see you soon!
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